Travel Policies

The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign prioritizes the health, safety, and security of students, faculty, and staff during university-related international travel. International Safety and Security works closely with many campus units and offices to coordinate the review, revision, and implementation of policies focused on health, safety, and security.

The International Travel Safety Policy establishes the baseline for the university policy on travel abroad. It includes directives regarding travel registration, insurance, orientations, national and international laws, and programmatic reviews. View and download the full International Travel Safety Policy.

The University of Illinois System requires employees traveling internationally on system business to comply with the system and respective universities’ travel policies for registration and insurance enrollment. The International Travel Insurance Requirements policy outlines the applicability of said requirements and related policies.

The International Travel Safety Policy for the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (CAM HR-39) supports the University of Illinois System policy, establishing campus criteria for international travel. Key requirements include insurance enrollment, orientations, training for faculty and staff traveling with students, and review of high-risk destinations and activities. This policy also identifies other policies of interest for international travel.

The Policy on Education Abroad establishes requirements for education abroad, including health and safety.

The Student Code and Campus Integrity Statement apply while participating in university-related international abroad. The Student Code governs both behavior and academics:

  • Behavior. Most violations of the Student Code for behavior correspond to Article 1, Part 3, §1-302 through §1-310. These sections address rules of conduct, use of drugs and alcohol, possession of weapons, and other behaviors.
  • Academic. Academic misconduct is addressed in Article 1, Part 4, §1-402 and includes cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, and other actions.

The Export Control Policyestablishes the criteria and process for university-related international travel to comply with Federal export controls. For more information, please visit the University of Illinois Export Control website. In addition, individuals should review the university’s information on data security and managing foreign influence.

The Guidelines for Individuals Accompanying Study Abroad Programs establishes requirements for non-university individuals to accompanying education abroad programs.

International Safety and Security adheres to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (commonly referred to as FERPA), "a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records" (U.S. Department of Education). The university has established guidelines for the implementation of this law, which are contained in Section X-6 of the Campus Administrative Manual and the Illinois Student Code.

How the Policies Above Apply to You

The chart below describes how the above travel policies apply to students, faculty and staff, and Registered Student Organizations (RSOs).

Policy Faculty & Staff Students RSOs
Enroll in university-approved international insurance.
  • Required.
  • Required.
  • Required.
Enrollment in the Illini Abroad Network.
  • Required (fulfilled by insurance enrollment).
  • Required (fulfilled by insurance enrollment).
  • Required (fulfilled by insurance enrollment).
Registration in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP).
  • Required for high-risk destinations.
  • Required if traveling with students.
  • Highly encouraged for all other travel.
  • Required.
  • Required.
Approval of Travel to High-Risk Destinations.
  • Approval required for Level 4
  • Review required for Level 3.
  • Approval required.
  • Approval required.
Export Control requirements apply to specific information or technology exported or travel to any of seven countries.
  • Required.
  • Required.
  • Required.

* Student and RSO enrollment in the Illini Abroad Network is accomplished by registering for international insurance.